- Sharing Extension Does Not Always Work In Safari Park
- Sharing Extension Does Not Always Work In Safari 2017
Both action extensions and share extensions can streamline your workflow by allowing you to access important functions and giving you the ability to share content through the various apps on your or iPad. Action extensions let apps share their functions with other apps installed on your iPhone or iPad. For example, you can use a 1Password action extension to log in to your Twitter account from inside Tweetbot. You can use a Bing action extension to translate a web page inside Safari. Share extensions work very similarly, and are a great way to expand the capabilities of your iPhone or iPad. You can, for instance, share a cool app you found in the App Store with friends with a couple taps of the Messages extension, or tweet out an interesting article without having to leave Safari. Beyond sharing with other people, share extensions also let you share with yourself.
Feb 20, 2017 - All you need to do is remove the site history of that site from Safari. However, when Safari is not responding, sometimes you just need to let it take a moment. In Safari and other apps, click the Share menu and choose Add to Reading List. Safari extensions are developed to enhance your browsing.
Maybe save the interesting article you found for later in the read-it-later app of your choice. Create a new note from something you liked on Pinterest. A quick note: extensions for particular apps will only show up in apps whose content they support. For instance, while you can open an image in Photos in Procreate, you can't do the same with an image from Pinterest. How to enable action extensions on iPhone and iPad.
Launch Safari on your iPhone or iPad. Navigate to any web page and tap on the Share button in the bottom navigation. Scroll all the way through the bottom row of icons.
Tap on the More button. Toggle On any action extensions you have that you'd like to use. When the switch is green that means the extension is on. Tap Done to finish.
How to reorder action extensions on iPhone and iPad. Launch Safari on your iPhone or iPad. Navigate to any web page and tap on the Share button in the bottom navigation.
Swipe left to scroll all the way through the bottom row of icons. Tap on the More button. Touch and hold the grabber icon to the right of any extension and drag it up or down to reorder it. Tap Done to finish. How to access and use action extensions on iPhone and iPad. Launch the app that contains the content you want to work with. Tap on the Share button.
Choose the action extension you'd like to use. In this example, I'm using 1Password to sign into my Mobile Nations account. What you see may be different depending on the kind of action you choose. Follow the directions you see on your screen.
How to enable share extensions on iPhone and iPad You can activate share extensions in any app that uses the standard iOS Share Sheet on iOS 8 or later. In this example, we'll be using Safari. Open Safari on your iPhone or iPad. Navigate to a web page. Tap on the share button (looks like a box with an arrow pointing upwards. Scroll all the way to the right end of the top row of icons.

Flip the switches next to any share extensions you want to use to the green 'On' position. How to access and use share extensions on iPhone and iPad Once you've set them up, accessing share extensions is pretty easy and straightforward. Open your chosen app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap the share button. Tap the share extension that you want to use.
Remember that since each extension is different, working with each will be a slightly different experience. How to reorder share extensions on iPhone and iPad You can reorder share extensions to move those that you need to the top of the list. Once again, you can do this in any app that uses the share sheet in iOS 8 or later, and in this example, we'll use Safari. Open Safari on your iPhone or iPad,.
Navigate to a web page. Tap on the share button (looks like a box with an arrow pointing upwards. Scroll all the way to the right end of the top row of icons.
Press and hold on the reorder icon on the right side of the extension you wish to move (looks like three stacked lines). Move the extension to the desired position.
If you have any more questions about using and managing share extensions on your iPhone or iPad, let us know in the comments. Updated March 2018: Added the instructions for using action extensions.
Settings and Local Storage You can define settings for your extension using Extension Builder. You can choose a type of user interface—such as a checkbox, radio button, text field, or slider—and a default value for each setting. You can choose to make any setting secure (encrypted). The settings you define appear in your extension’s preference pane, in Safari preferences.
Safari handles the user interface, stores the values, and notifies you when a value changes. There is also an API for accessing your settings programmatically. The API provides for both normal and secure (encrypted) settings. The API is similar to the HTML5 local storage API, but the settings API has an additional feature: support for default values. You can also make use of HTML5 client-side data storage, commonly referred to as local storage. You can use both Safari settings and HTML5 local storage if you like.
How to Create User Settings You create your extension’s user settings and define the user interfaces for them in Extension Builder. Click New Setting Item under Extension Settings to begin. The extension settings pane expands, as shown in Figure 18-1. Figure 18-1 Settings pane The pane changes depending on the type of setting you choose, but you are usually prompted for a key, a default value, and a title, along with the option of saving the item in secure settings. The key is the identifier for the item, used in the settings API.
The default value is the initial value for the item when your extension is installed. A default value is optional. The title is the label the user sees for the setting. Use the Type pop-up menu to choose the user interface control type. The menu is shown in Figure 18-2. Figure 18-2 Setting types Hidden Settings Hidden settings have no title and are not displayed in the extension’s settings pane. They are for your internal settings that you intend to handle programmatically.

The reason you might want to define a hidden setting in Extension Builder is to give it a default value. Text Field Settings Text field settings take a string as a value and have the option of being displayed as a password (characters are not visible after entry).
Checkbox Settings A checkbox is true when checked, false when unchecked. But you can assign any pair of values to a checkbox’s two states.
Sharing Extension Does Not Always Work In Safari Park
Slider Settings Sliders have a minimum value at the far left, a maximum value at the far right, and step value (the smallest change possible for the control). Pop-Up Button Settings A pop-up button displays the title of the currently selected item. When the user clicks the button, a pop-up menu presents a list of all the items, allowing the user to choose one. The button itself has a title, a key, and a value. The list items have titles and values.
List Box Settings List box settings contain a list of items, such a file list. Each item has a title the user sees and a value that the list box returns when that item is chosen. The box itself has a title, a key, and a value. The list items have titles and values.
Radio Buttons Settings You should have at least two radio buttons for this user interface item to make sense. The user must choose one, but only one, of the radio buttons. Each radio button has a title that the user sees and a value that the button selects for.
Groups and Separators If your user settings should be grouped, enter a group label before each block of settings. This puts a large, bold heading before the group. If you want to put separators between settings, insert a separator. How to Use the Settings API The display and user interface for settings are managed by Safari. You can use the SafariExtensionSettings class to get the current value of a setting before using it. Use in the setting’s key as a property name to get its current value: var myVolume = safari.extension.settings.volume Whenever a setting is changed, Safari generates a 'change' event.
The event is generated whether the change is made programmatically or by a user. The target of the event is the settings or secureSettings object. To find out which value has changed, read the key property of the event: var mySettingKey = event.key The new value and old value of the setting are in the newValue and oldValue properties of the event.

To be sure you are using the current value of your settings, you must either install an event listener for the 'change' event in your global page or extension bar, or get the value of your variables directly from the safari.extension.settings property immediately before using them. Installs a listener function for an extension with only one user setting, whose key is 'volume'. The function updates a global variable whenever the setting changes. Listing 18-1 Responding to settings changes. Note: Attempting to use local storage to convey data between the global page or an extension bar and full page content does not work. Message passing is the best mechanism for this purpose.
Sharing Extension Does Not Always Work In Safari 2017
To use client-side databases from your global page or an extension bar, you need to allocate database storage for your extension in the Extension Storage section of Extension Builder, as shown in Figure 18-3. Figure 18-3 Extension storage The default storage amount is none. You can choose a value from 1 to 100 megabytes.