SMART ICON: THE BEST IMAGE CONVERT TOOL. CONVERT IMAGES TO JPG, PNG & ICO. SmartIcon is an intuitive software solution designed to help you easily convert icons between various formats, as well as create them from other types of files, requiring a minimum level of effort from you, thus allowing you to focus your attention on more important aspects of your work, rather than on creating icons.
Mac OS X programming FAQ: How can I create a Mac ICNS file for my Mac application? Lately I've been creating a series of small Mac applications, and as part of that I needed to learn how to make Mac ICNS files from standard image files (PNG, JPG, other). Today I offer a quick tip of my hat to the makers of a Mac application named FastIcns that lets you do just this. FastIcns is a small, free application from a company named Digital Waters that lets you create a Mac ICNS file from a PNG, JPEG, or other image file very easily. Here's how to do it.
How to create a Mac ICNS file with FastIcns To create a Mac ICNS file from a PNG or JPEG image file using FastIcns, just follow these steps:. Start FastIcns. You'll see a spinning cube, which isn't really funny at first, but you'll get the idea soon. Find a picture or other JPG, PNG, or TIFF you want to convert to a Mac ICNS file. Have that image file on your desktop, or otherwise in your Mac Finder. Drag the image file onto the FastIcns spinning cube.
Website Icon Png
Once your image shows up on the sides of the spinning cube, double-click the cube to save your file. A dialog will come up asking what type of file you want to save this as. (See the image below.) Choose 'ICNS', then give your file a name, and save it as usual. Once your ICNS file is created, you can double-click it, and it will open up in Preview (or whatever default application you have configured to display ICNS files. I assume it's Preview, because I don't recall ever specifying that ICNS files should be opened in Preview.) You should see the multiple images that make up an ICNS file now stored in your ICNS file.
Once you have a properly created ICNS file like this, you can place it in your Mac OS X application bundle, and the ICNS images should show up properly in all the usual places - your application icon, the Dock, and anywhere else you might see your application, such as in the Finder. For the record, here's the FastIcns file-save dialog: More Mac OS X ICNS file information For today I'm going to run with the assumption that you won't be reading this article unless you know what an ICNS file is, so I'm skipping all that introductory information. For more Mac ICNS file format information, see this.
But, with very minor modifications, they can be used for Office 2016 for Mac and Office 2010 for Windows as well. Highlight the text and format using the Font tools in the ribbon. You may apply headings using Styles in the tool ribbon or using the Key commands Ctrl+Alt+1 (Windows) Open the Styles Pane. Windows Key commands: Alt+H,F,Y,F6. Another preset style. Under Number format, on the Number style pop-up menu, click the style that you want. Another color. Click Font, and then on the Font color pop-up menu, click the color that you want. Another font size. Click Font, and then in the Size box, enter the size that you want. Using Your Styles in Another Word Document. If you want to use the modified or custom Word Document styles in another document, you need to bring them in. The easiest way to do this is to copy and paste Word formatting. Switch to Merging Styles.docx. Notice it has plain, unformatted text. Format headings using list styles in word for mac. Table styles determine the look of tables. This includes characteristics such as the text formatting of the header row, gridlines, and accent colors for rows and columns. You can use table styles to quickly apply complex formatting with one click. List styles determine the look of lists. Feb 07, 2014 It also has a column that indicates which one of the 200 possible list templates in the document to use to format the bullets/numbering. A paragraph style is a row in a table that has a column indicating which row in the character styles table to use.
Download FastIcns To download the FastIcns application, follow this link:. Again, many thanks to the people at Digital Waters for making FastIcns available as a free Mac ICNS file creator. Is the problem that the icon in Finder just looks like the default preview icon? If so, I don't know the proper solution to this, but I've found that by renaming a file, it usually turns from the default icon to an icon of your actual image, or in this case, your ICNS file. So, if your file is named something like a.icns, rename it to b.icns, and see if that does the trick.
Then you can rename it back to a.icns. I've also seen moving a file to a different directory will also cause the preview thumbnail to be generated/used. I'm sorry I don't know enough about how this part of Mac OS X works, but if someone else knows the answer, I certainly welcome it. It's like OS X didn't get an initial event to generate the thumbnail, so you have to create a new event to tell it to generate a thumbnail. I hope I answered the question, lol. Add new comment.
Consider That Png Icon For Machine
It’s time to add Electron app icons to the. For this we need a png-icon, a.icns for macs and a.ico for windows. For Linux we only need the pngs. This code is added to the.
Have a look at that repository if you would like to see all the source code. The icons need to be set when creating a new BrowserWindow. But they need also be set when packaging the app. So by setting it in the code won’t make any difference when debugging your app with electron.
That’s why we’ll first take a look at the code. Then we’ll take a look at packaging our app with electron-packager.
But don’t worry, it’s an easy task. Creating our icns and ico-files First we need an icon that is 1024x1024 pixels large and saved in PNG. I’ve got one looking like this.