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As many of you know, it's not always easy to buy high end makeup products. Oftentimes, it's overpriced, hard to reach, and overwhelming. With this article, hopefully many of you will come to realize that although expensive products are often higher quality, there are many 'dupes' that work just as well.

  1. Does Anyone Know A Dupe For Mac Pro
  2. Mac Dupe List

You could try Maybelline Creamy Matte in Siren in Scarlet. Might not be a true dupe but it's a very pigmented, blue based, matte red. I had Russian Red and was planning in repurchasing it until I found this one.

From past experience, eyeshadows tend to be the most easily replaced. There are tons of reputable brands such as Maybelline and NYX that have many similar colors to MAC eyeshadows. NYX also offers high quality pigmented lip glosses that are comparable to those of MAC. In this article, I will be focusing on NYX shadows as to give you a preview on just how similar they really are. They have a wide collection, ranging from sheer light colors to bold matte colors. There are all sorts of varieties to satisfy even the most daring makeup artist.

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Does Anyone Know A Dupe For Mac Pro

MakeupAddiction Rules Click the links within each rule for more info!. No. /filters/skin smoothing. Every makeup look and collection must have a in the comments. In select circumstances incomplete product lists can be accepted if you seek permission from the moderators prior to posting. All must be marked NSFW.

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Helpful Guides for Navigating MUA. Tutorials and Shopping Guides. Useful Links. Different mod team to reddit MUA. This is a tricky one for many drugstore brands because it bleeds easily.

Does anyone know a dupe for mac download

Mac Dupe List

NYX Electra is the best color match but their lip formula has never worked for me. So much bleeding and smearing. If you don't mind spending, NARS Jungle Red and Red Lizard aren't exact shade matches but the formula is my favorite and they are both true reds. Or if you have a place that sells Chanel cosmetics near you (Nordstrom?), their Rouge Allure and Rouge Allure Velvets have a ton of reds to experiment with.

Pricey doe.:(.